To tell my story as a date rape survivor and communicate my message in a way that can help the most people.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Next Generation

...As part of the UC Irvine speakers bureau there are many types of opportunities presented to me. Within the past few weeks I have presented my story to several different campus groups acting as sexual assault advocates. The students attend yearly training sessions. Some are students returning to the program and others are new trainees but all train together in the same group. The UCI Counseling Center has 2 peer education groups the first being Right to KNOW and the second CHAMPS. Peer Educators provide consultation services, develop and deliver workshops/training sessions, assess student need regarding many issues including metal health, stress management and sexual assault which is why I was there to speak to them. They would be exposed to my story which provides the benefit of a victims/survivors perspective before, during and after a sexual assault and my experience through law enforcement, the court process, counseling and the healing process.

The other group I spoke to were representatives of the universities greek community. There were about 40 students made up of one from each campus fraternity and sorority. The training they received would be taken back to their respective members so the leaders could share the information learned over the two-day seminar and also be the go to person for the organization. Sexual assault prevention, awareness, being an active bystander were all discussed with the students among other related topics. This is a proactive and not reactive approach to educating a very large group of students.

After each speech I take questions and let the audience know that I will answer anything without limitations on subject matter. The students never fail to impress me with the thoughtful questions asked some similar but to ones I've been asked before but always included new ones too. I also share with them how wise beyond their years they are and how important and invaluable their involvement is in these programs. I like to view what they do as a tree root not weaving its way through the earth but through the university campus. It begins with the student/peer educator who shares with other students who then shares it with more classmates and friends. Word of mouth on this particular subject is the best way to get the message across the campus.

Starting with these young minds sets an early precedent for their generation that we didn't have with mine. The sooner they learn sexual assault awareness and prevention the more likely we are on a path to not just lessen the occurrences but eliminate them all together. After completing my speech and Q&A session whether it be to peer educators, advocates, a classroom of nursing students or a campus Take Back the Night event I leave their hopeful that somewhere there will be one less victim of sexual assault female or male because of those people sitting in that room...

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