To tell my story as a date rape survivor and communicate my message in a way that can help the most people.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Victims Impact Statement

In my August 4th blog I referred to a victims impact statement I submitted to the Idaho Department of Corrections to be reviewed by the judge as part of his sentencing decision for Jeffrey Marsalis. As mentioned before I saved a lot of things during the trials and counseling process including newspaper articles, personal writings, etc. I also have the victims impact statement and today was the first time reading it in 5 years and my thoughts are nearly identical. I wanted to share it with my readers so here it is...

"In March of 2004 we met for a date. As a 37 year old woman I have been on many in my adult life always taking the necessary precautions and trusting my instincts about men which had not failed me before. I also put my trust into Marsalis as a gentleman and a human being. He is neither.
He took advantage of my trust. Throughout our conversation that evening he told me his fabricated life story and careers and documented it with various forms of “false” identification. He drugged my drink and violated me sexually as a woman and a human being.
He took away the confidence I had in myself to make sound judgements about men and people. I sought professional help to work my way back to the previous confidence I had before my encounter with him. I know I will get there because I believe in myself.
Throughout my experience with him at the Philadelphia Preliminary Hearing in Oct/Nov 2006, the 2007 trial, closing arguments and sentencing, Jeffrey Marsalis has never once showed remorse or ceased to blame all the women who came forward accusing him of his crimes. I believe he will never take responsibility or come to the realization that he has done anything wrong. He is a threat to woman and society if he continues along this path of denial.
Jeffrey Marsalis has contributed nothing to society in a personal or professional capacity. He has caused more pain to the women he has encountered than can ever be put into words.

Your Honor, please sentence him to the maximum for the crime of Rape in which he has been convicted."

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