To tell my story as a date rape survivor and communicate my message in a way that can help the most people.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tell The World

In December I was contacted through my website by a musician/hip hop artist & activist regarding a new project that he was working on speaking out against sexual assault. His name is Rob Hustle, he had a few questions and asked if I would be willing to speak to him. He also included a link to his YouTube video of the last project on police brutality. I watched the video and liked his music and then emailed him as I was curious about the next project and how I could be of help.

We connected over the phone the next day and began chatting about what inspired him to take on sexual assault awareness. Rob received a message from a rape victim who had seen his YouTube video. She was raped by a police office 6 months earlier and followed through with a rape kit and reporting of the assault only to be told that she would be the one charged if she didn't drop her suit against the city. Rob's video about the abuse of power by the police was similar to what this victim had experienced and she not only wanted to share her story with him but also her support of his endeavors. He was immediately affected by what he read feeling sad for what the victim had experienced then angry at those who would get away with it. But instead of moving on he decided to fight back and do something about it by making this his next project. 

I have met so many compassionate people over the years since my sexual assault and I'm always so humbled by those with no personal connection yet still supportive of me as a victim and survivor. Rob Hustle is another one. He reached out to me because of my experience with speaking out and advocacy work for date rape and sexual assault victims and survivors. Because this was all new to him he wanted to know which organizations to contact, what, if any, response he would get from victims and survivors and was he on the right track with his ideas. I was so impressed by Rob and what he was doing I let him know that and told him I would fully support the project in whatever way he needed me to.

The website is now complete and in it is his inspiration for the project, the three parts to the project and how victims and survivors can get involved and participate.

Below is a link to the website that I hope you will review and share with as many as you can. A victim's voice is the most powerful thing they have so let's give all victims the power they deserve even those who have yet to speak out.

Tell The World

UPDATE: Rob was contacted by the talented ladies of the Vagina Chronicles Podcast and asked if any of the Project Advisers would be willing to do their show. They so generously allowed me to tell my story of date rape and healing and provide their listeners with all the Tell The World details as well. I have included a link to their podcast with my interview.

The Vagina Chronicles Podcast

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